As an expert manufacturer of braided hoses for plumbing, heating, cooling, and drinking water applications, we frequently work with distributors and manufacturers of water softeners. Recently we noticed that our customers are often not fully aware of the various possibilities that we can offer. That is why we would love to explain how we work and what we can do for you, by using a practical example.
As a distributor of water softener, our client has been purchasing a series of epdm rubber hoses with straight fittings. He has been buying our braided hoses for over 10 years and always ordered the hoses in standard lengths.
Our customer is happy and satisfied with his purchases. He knows that within 14 working days, after placing his order, he will receive his braided hoses. Moreover the epdm rubber hoses are flexible and there are little to no defects. The customer knows he can always count on us!
However, recently our client switched to a new range of water softeners. Unfortunately, this led to a number of difficulties for his installation team. Due to a different placement of the connections as well as the smaller size and weight of the new water softeners, complaints arose. Luckily, they immediately contacted us to address their issues. By means of photos and a number of conversations, we were able to quickly provide solutions that met with our client's technical requirements and also increased the ease of installation for his team.
In order to efficiently connect these new water softeners and to make the installers’ work easier, our standard dimensions no longer seemed to be a perfect match. In consultation with our customer, we determined the perfect length of the braided hoses and opted to work with an elbow fitting at one end to save space.
For over 40 years, we have been the expert in the production of custom-made flexible hoses. Would you like a braided hose in length 630mm, 1550mm, ...? No problem, we can manufacture all possible lengths starting from 1 piece.
During a testcase, we provided the installers with new hoses, both in epdm and in a much more flexible, but slightly more expensive, silicone variant.
After the testcase ended our client made a decision. As his installers insisted on it, he finally chose for our silicone braided hoses. Until now the customer has been very satisfied with the solutions we have been able to offer. And his installers are back on the road with a smile!
During the conversations it also became apparent that our client and his team were unaware of our range of products. Besides manufacturing flexible hoses, Fixaflex also supplies a wide range of ball valves, check valves and brass parts. So eventually we created three different installation kits for our customer in which all the necessary components are delivered in one package. Less work for the client's warehouse and less work for his installers. A win-win situation!
Do you have any remarks or problems when using our products? Then don’t hesitate and please contact us! We are happy to help and find a fitting solution.
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